Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] I try. Always.

     This whole month has been alot on me.  Trying to be there everyone I care about.  I can't help it, it's who I am.  I try my best to be there for all of them.  When they aren't themselves, depressed, in pain, angered, all kinds of emotions.  I ask them if they want to talk or if they need space because they know that I'm always there for them.  I promised everyone that I would always be there for them no matter what and I always keep my promises.  I know you have heard this before and it's a bunch of BS but as you get to know me, you will know who I am and what I am about.  People make promises but some don't always follow through with it.  That's when I say that they are just empty words spoken from one's mouth to relieve another.  For me, I've grown up to realize many things and through my realizations I choose my own way, the kind of person I want to be.
     My friends and family always come first before anything else.  When they need me I'm there.  I don't care if it does get me in trouble for awhile as long as my friends and family are fine.  They are my number one priority before me.  I know it may sound stupid, but my inspiration comes from an ABC Family television show that was cancelled, called Kyle XY.  The character Kyle is a genuine person that is always there for his family and everyone that he cares about.  He always does the right thing no matter what, gathering up information and putting the pieces together to help others without hurting anyone emotionally or physically.  He's a pure person that you must actually watch the full series to know what I mean.  He is literally what someone would call a perfect person.  He is my role model.  In my head, when I am stuck on something and someone needs me I would always ask myself what would Kyle do and it always leads me down the right path.  I try my best to always be there. Always.

1 comment:




    Time to make another playlist.
