Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Going For The Look

     There are two sides to which you can agree or disagree on.  One side is the business side, hiring "good-looking" girls to advertise their merchandise and the other side is the discrimination side.  When customer looks at a billboard with a pretty girl it, they are immediately attracted and go to their store to see what they have.  Just because they believe it looks good on them, companies believe that this is the best way to attract customers.  They do not care about who they are, but only on their looks to make money.  In a way, this is a business seduction technique which brings me to the discrimination side.
     This technique can lead to age, race, and religious discriminations that can put many in jail.  Did I forget to mention gender discrimination?  Everyone notices that the majority of advertisements for these companies have are girls.  This gives the impression that guys do not have an equal attraction as girls "do", therefore can men be hired for the business image?  I know that experts and businesses mindsets' are set on a default advertising technique, but there are and always will be other ways.  "Think outside of the box", I know what you're think.  You've heard that before, a cliche that many use when peoples' imaginations are running low, but it's true.  Tell me it isn't.
     Many people say that we are becoming a paperless world because technology is being used more and is constantly advancing.  If we have technology, why don't they use it to create an advertisement that will draw customers in?  It doesn't have to be technology but something else.  When you try to hire girls that "can" project an image for their business, you can also make others feel insecure in comparison and believe that they are not pretty enough depending on the person.  It's a pattern, a chain, a domino reaction.  One thing always leads to another.
     We all only get smarter and discover new things.  As time progresses, one or a few will look deeper in society and catch something that they do not agree with.  This disagreement can lead to protests which can lead to an international protest because others may feel the same type of discrimination.  I know that when I say international, you are somewhat thinking that I'm exaggerating, but think about it.  This is only my own opinion.  I am only expanding the possibilities of what CAN happen.  Although, it doesn't mean that anything I am saying will come true.  Before any of this, they must look at both sides of the situation, the bigger picture.  Am I getting off topic? This is what I have to say, everything is connected in one way or another.  My answer for this article is that I neither agree nor disagree.  If it's for business, "sure".  If they talk to me about discrimination, I will agree that it is discrimination.

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