Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RE] I need a break

My response to Angela Zhou.
"It’s the seventh week of school. My tiredness almost takes over all of my other feelings. I lost all of the motivation for going to school and doing my homework."
     I can relate to what she is saying.  I know I have homework during the week and I am always procrastinating and beginning to do things last minute.  Before senior year began, I told myself that I have to do my best for my last year, because my junior year was terrible.  I started out good this school year but now motivation is lowering.  In class, I try to stay awake as much as I can and when the teacher lectures, my head starts bobbing up and down trying desperately to prevent my eyes from closing.  Let me just tell you, I look like a fucking retard.  People ask if I am okay and all I can say is that I am tired as hell.  When it comes to teaching for me, the teacher needs to animate his/her class or make it more exciting somehow or the class will be boring which forces me to put my head down.  I understand that teachers are suppose to be teaching the material for the students to learn something but can't they do something to keep the class interested because if nothing happens, we can't focus because it just words that are being said out loud but it goes out the other ear.  Especially when we are all in classes that we have no interest in whatsoever.  If we do not like the class then it is a lot harder to focus.  Going to school for all these years and it's the same thing for so long, it's like can something change?  Keep teaching and have all the education but change something.  I do not know what else to say but Change or we need a break.

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