Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[College Essay Draft]

     My cousin and I were wondering the halls of Encinal High School, not knowing where us freshman should do during lunch and found an empty hallway.  We started playing around with the empty space and what we can do.  We decided to start dancing and free styling in the hall, called sessions.  Everyday at lunch we would get our lunch and go to the hallway next to the boys locker room next to the gym, stretch, and began to session, practicing random stunts.  That was the started of we soon became today.  Today we know a lot more an are more experienced and just do crazy stuff every now and then not to impress anyone but just for our own amusement.  It has been kind of hard for the past year though because he moved to San Diego.  He still danced over there formed a crew and I kind of ran solo, or just every once in a while danced with some other friends from Encinal that were still learning.  My cousin moved back and now we have so much to catch up on.  Through everything that has happened, I realized that I have inspirations that range from random people on the street, neighbors, family and friends.  They do not have to have the same hobbies as I would but they do many things that I just see by accident, I watch them or they show me.  These inspirations make me realize that I have different dreams that are possibilities but are not yet decided.  Dancing, art and computers all fall into my category of dreams.  In dancing, I am able to express myself without speech and others just have different interpretations of what I am feeling.  There is no right or wrong answer, it's all on them.  I dance because it is unique, extreme and something I enjoy performing.
     Art, on the other hand is something I have been doing since I was a young 6-year-old.  This can be another form of expression that can be anything that you want it to be.  I remember my first drawing that I was really proud of when I was 6-7 years old was a drawing of Spider-Man that worked on from like early afternoon until midnight.  My face had a big smile on my face at night.  My grandfather and friend, Michael are artists whom inspired me.  My grandfather is an artist who paints and draws, he has made many paintings including one of me when I was a mere infant.  Michael is just amazing when he draws because is technique is effortless and natural, of course I would never tell him that and he would never admit it.  Before he begins, he think and snaps a picture in his head, grabs a pencil and just puts it on paper.  It's as if he draws by instinct because he automatically knows what a picture needs without hesitation.  My problem is, I can only draw when I'm in the mood and I am not sure if that's just my mind set or that is how it really is.  It is also quiet difficult to draw something straight from my head.  If I have, it is because I have drawn it before.  I have to look at something for me to draw it.  Anime is my style of drawing.
     My history with computers all began when I reunited with my aunt, uncle and grandfather about 10-11 years ago.  My grandfather showed me the computer and introduced all the features and capabilities.  Almost immediately I began to use the computer by myself.  I was always on it, making birthday and holiday cards for my family.  As soon as, my grandfather showed me the sentence " the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", having every single letter in it, I learned how to type.  I would type that same sentence over and over until I mastered it, then soon I was typing all the words I would think of or see in my surroundings. That's how I learned to type.  As time and the years went by, I see technology advances that catch my eye and just explore through trial and error.  Knowing the small basic shortcut keys on a keyboard is interesting but when I get literally internal into the computer and it's components catches my attention because so much to remember.  Learning how everything works and how everything is connected.
     Although I have all these dreams, my future remains undecided.  My opportunities are difficult which stops me from making solid decisions because I know that once I choose what to study for, that's my major for life.  I want to choose something that I will enjoy and not day of work will I say that I "regret this".  I want to have a job that when I wake up in the morning, excitement fills my insides, and I am looking forward to work that I am rushing out the door.  My plan is to be ready for what comes next after high school and be dedicated to what I am doing.  I would rather be ready with an opportunity than have an opportunity and not be ready.

1 comment:

  1. What I see here are the beginnings of SEVERAL different topics, but there's no overall focus that unites this essay into one cohesive whole. So you may be able to split this apart and use some of the material for a second college essay, but what you have here still requires some big decisions to be made about what to keep and what to leave out. I think my favorite might be the computer section...but this is a judgment call for you to make.

    One thing is for certain...the first paragraph is not clear what you're talking about until several sentences deep. What kind of "stunts"? Then later it seems like you're talking about dancing...but that would need to get clarified much quicker.
