Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[RE] Response to Ming Suen

It makes an individual stop and think: "What do I want to accomplish in my life?"
     Haste makes waste.  This applies for everyone and everyone is rushing nowadays.  They forget that they are running life of stopping to take a breather and watching what they are doing.  Everyone has one life and you don't want to waste it... I know cliche, but you all know it's true.  You can honestly say that you have to work 24/7 on something to make the money to pay for everything you're doing too focused to have a social life.  Everyone needs balance in their lives or they will lose from being overwhelmed with too much on their mind.
     Let you're mind flow and enjoy everyday as if it were you're last.  Stop and think, "is this what I really want to do?"  Isn't there anything in the world that you have always wanted to do, or anywhere in the world that you have always wanted to go?  What is it? Where is it?  Take a break and focus on relaxing and actually ENJOY something rather than have your job consume your life.  I remember my former Avid teacher from Encinal High School told us about her daughter who just entered college and her life in high school.  She barely had any friends because all she did was study for tests and focus on everything to graduate and getting to a good college.  She basically committed social suicide because she didn't have fun.  My teacher warned us to study but also have a life on the side for balance.  Balance.

1 comment:

  1. The other day you said you weren't into meditation. But this sounds like just what you are suggesting other folks do! Are you SURE you wouldn't like to try it? :)

    This post is the strongest of yours I've seen so far in terms of paragraph structure, which is perhaps my main suggestion for where you can start taking your writing at this point. In what I'm reading of your work today, I get a lot of emotion and heart from your words...but sometimes a lack of focus. So I think your writing could be immediately strengthened by thinking more carefully about exactly where to split your paragraphs apart into smaller chunks. This will help your reader follow your ideas much more clearly.

    An example from this one might be to break lines in the middle of the last paragraph where you start with "I remember my former Avid teacher," etc...Seems like the topic shifts enough there to justify a new paragraph to me.

    There are some other posts of yours which I feel could also be broken down into smaller pieces...why don't you dive into some older posts and see if you find places like the one I'm talking about here? And see if breaking stuff down more improves your posts and makes them easier to may also find stuff to cut here and there. :)

    Hope this helps, and I'll be happy to conference with you more specifically. Start by seeing if you can find some opportunities on your own, though.
