Monday, September 26, 2011

[FREE] Alot

     It seems like this is all happening at once.  There is so much that is going through my mine that it is hard to organize all out.  I mean I come to a new school and know a few people, my first and last year at Alameda High School.  I miss all my friends at Encinal High School, fooling around just being myself.  Everything about Encinal is just so much better to me, I'm sorry to all those Hornets that are reading this lol, but Jet Pride!  I have met a few cool and nice people here in all of my classes but it is nothing compared to what I have at Encinal.  In addition, to leaving all my friends, I am taking classes here that I did not even know existed that are not at my school.  Then after I graduate here,  college is next and that class that I want to graduate with are all going separate ways and there is probably nothing I can really do about it.  After school this year, I have to go straight home until I keep my grades at a B average at least for the next six months then I get my freedom back.  I have friends at Encinal that I have always said I will always be there for and it just makes it twice as hard going here and with my mom's additional restrictions.
     There's a lot this year that I have to get accomplished for my future but I do not want my future to be consumed by work, I want and need my social life to keep me balanced.  I am sure that I have mentioned this more than once before in my other blogs but it is true.  Some people here at Alameda High have given me a few smirks here and there but I deal with it.  There is so much that I want to do here, but I do not want to make a bad first impression.  My only freedom with my friends is on the weekends and that is also if my mom does not make last minute plans.

" I'm shy.  Most people don't take the time to get to know me.   They don't take the time to explore the real me.  So I'd like to thank everyone who has.  Everyone who didn't, missed out." - Wiz Khalifa

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a tough scene...I hope that, at least in our class, you meet some folks who you can really connect with. I think our room is full of very bright, open-minded people and I hope you'll feel ok stepping out of your normal comfort zone a little bit to try talking to folks more, etc.
