Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[RE] Govt Can and Should Get Involved, Yes or No?

     The government can and should have something to do with the clothes we wear only depending on the situation.  If they are covering themselves in a certain such as the face then, everyone can different or uncertain interpretation.  As mentioned, when someone's face is covered, people will think of robbery rather than religious reasons.  In this case, the government should take action.  I understand for women that showing skin in other different parts of the body can be sexually appealing and can be covered, but otherwise that should be their choice, their decision.  The government should only get involved under certain circumstances.  There are many different scenarios, they just have to know when.
     We should have the liberty to pray anywhere, however we want, as long as it does not cause public disturbance or trouble.  What I mean by this, is do not take advantage of the freedom, by praying in the middle of a traffic jam to prevent people from getting where they need to go.  Praying is part of freedom of religion and believing in a higher power and telling us not to pray is basically saying to stop believing in God.  Everyone should have that expression to pray wherever because most of us know that God is our faith that most of us believe in.  Most of us pray at random times just to believe even for the smallest things because most of us know He's there.  At this moment of even thinking about this freedom is now going by what the laws say.  Some are forgetting about the religious background and are focusing on the laws whether or not we should pray wherever we want.  From where I am standing, this subject should not be something to be questioned.

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