Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[FREE] Something to Put on Paper

     All the time people, are saying that they do not like drama, or "ugh, to much drama", or "why you being so dramatic?", and yet they have drama in their lives too.  They expect people not to spread it, but maybe that is their form of venting out.  Everyone has things in their minds that they keep to themselves that they do not want to share with other people or are just to afraid to.  What they(when I say "they" I mean that as a generalization) keep things inside and huddled up, it actually forms new and more emotions.  They need to express out somehow even if it's on paper or they just need someone that is really willing to listen to them without being judge mental.  Everyone needs some drama in their lives because drama is just another way of saying emotions.  Emotions are what makes us human beings and not robots.  No emotions is just careless, not caring about anyone except yourself.  I do understand that people can be overly-dramatic that can be annoying and maybe watch too many soap operas.  My point is, if you really want to avoid drama, then stick to watching cartoons.  If you care about the people in life that need you, then don't leave.  Drama is going to happen throughout your entire life so learn to deal with it now or just keep leaving ignorant comments whenever something happens.  Whatever you choose, it what you do, I have no control over what anyone does.  I am just putting this out there.

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