Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[FREE] IDK What to Write

     I am sitting on my living room sofa with my mom's laptop in front of me, listening to music on youtube in one window, google reader open in another and blogger in another.  I'm sitting here thinking of what to do for my free post not knowing what to talk about even though there are so many things to talk about.  My mind keeps sticking to the same things and I am trying to think outside the box.  I am finding it hard to know what to type because there are other things that I am thinking about.  It is so hot even with the fan on turning 45 degrees from me to the rocking chair at my right.  This will just turn out to be one of those quick writes that we do in class that we do not stop writing and just say what is on your mind.    I know this is probably boring to read because there is no particular subject and I am repeating a lot of things like "I" and "mind".  Most of you would not even stop to read this, which makes me laugh, laugh out loud.  Shout out to Sutherland if you do read this post, that free posts can be anything and this is exactly anything laughing my ass off.  Exactly ten minutes have past, I think... Now my main goal is reaching 250 words, usually it is easy when I have a subject in mind that I really am into but now now my mind is just drawing a blank.  Okay, now I am hungry, everyone have a good day hope no one fell asleep reading this, time for a soda :)

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