Thursday, September 8, 2011

Introducing Me

This will be my free post telling about who I am.  If you know me, then you can obviously tell that there are many things that you can't tell just by looking at me through my height, face expression and just my appearance in general.  I just transferred here to Alameda High School from Encinal High School and already the people I have made friends with assumed that I was a freshman or sophomore and my usual response is "Yeah, I know.. I'm short and I'm asian", or "Yeah, I get that a lot."  Then I just laugh it off.  To be honest, I want to go back to Encinal, because all my friends are there and I feel a lot more comfortable.  Here, there isn't as much freedom.  Sure, you can go to Park Street for lunch and what not, but that isn't what I am referring to.  I am talking about expressing yourself as in being yourself, jumping around if you want to without looking like a crazy person.  There are many personalities in this school that are just inside us just waiting or trying to come out.  Appearances are deceiving.  Some people see that and some people don't.  Everyone has their own perspectives in everything.  I remember what we talked in class about people being uncomfortable with talking/expressing yourself wid a random audience.  I completely agree with them on that, this is exactly what I just talked about above.  I understand everything they are coming from.  A friend of mine has posted things on tumblr and has been cyberbullied and it has lowered her self-esteem.  I do my best to not make her feel so down and tell her to ignore them but it becomes kind of hard ignoring the fact that people also spam.  At this point, I guess we are going to have to get used to this, trust people not to do anything bad, or just don't share as many personal things.  For me, I do not care what people think, I know who I am.  Whatever bad things they say about me, that's there problem. I don't care.  I am just introducing me.

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