Thursday, September 8, 2011

Then and Now - 9-11 - CBS Sunday Morning - 9-4-11

9/11 was one of the most traumatizing events in history.  Before this event happened, people were able to walk the streets so calmly and peacefully.  Ever since that day or I should say significant event that they do not know who to go to or who to trust.  Many have heard different stories about it but rarely from the original source.  Some have conspiracy theories that some of the United States actually worked together to plan this bombing upon the Twin Towers and it just leaves many speechless about why.  That is everyone's number one question.  I, myself, have heard many stories based on the same thing, nothing new, like a broke record given to different people  What I would like to know is the truth and why.  I have asked this question great amounts of times in the past but like I've said before, different people, different stories based on what they think and heard.  It's hard to stand at the fact that people are scared and mortified and are unable to walk with liberty in the streets.  Some people are still on their toes because they still believe that Osama Bin Laden is still alive and hiding somehow.  I know I am jumping from one guy to another here but first we killed Saddam Hussein four years ago, a man who killed anyone who opposed him or whom he thought opposed.  He had led brutal attacks with various ethnic groups which included poison gas against civilians who were not involved in those groups.  I don't blame them that it is hard to accept this fact that after 10 years our Satan of this world is no more.

1 comment:

  1. hey i did a response to your post. check it out:
